Local Dad Outtalks Historical Interpreter

Local dad Vance Chatterworth of Riverbirch Trace outtalked a historical interpreter at the Jamestown Settlement on Saturday.

Sources reported that interpreter Robert Longbow was demonstrating a colonial weaving technique for a group of tourists on Saturday afternoon when Chatterworth interjected to correct a number of perceived inaccuracies in Longbow’s presentation.

“Apparently, they’ll hire anyone for interpreter positions these days,” Chatterworth later stated when interviewed about the incident. “His weaving technique was questionable, and his assessment of colonist-Native American relations was all wrong.”

According to witnesses, Chatterworth repeatedly interrupted Longbow to correct and/or clarify his statements. Longbow was visibly frustrated but maintained his composure. Before being asked to vacate the premises by park staff, Chatterworth had begun his own weaving demonstration in a nearby tent.

Chatterworth’s wife and children declined our request for interview.


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