Swift Creek Elementary Opens E-ZPass Student Drop-Off Lane

In collaboration with E-ZPass Virginia, Swift Creek Elementary will open a high speed express lane for student drop-off. 

The brainchild of Brandermill dad Earl E. Grayhair, the express lane will be the first of its kind. Grayhair had the idea after his son missed the bus and he spent “one of the most hellish mornings in recent memory” in the school’s current drop-off line, which forms on the unpaved shoulder of curvy, two-lane Genito Road. 

The E-ZPass drop-off lane will open next Monday. Parents with a current E-ZPass account and transponder will be able to skip the regular line for $3 per drop-off. E-ZPass Virginia will split the proceeds with the Swift Creek Elementary PTA. 

In preparation for opening day, students are practicing the “tuck and roll” technique for exiting a moving vehicle. 


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