Office Park Goose Ponders Path That Led Him Here


Canada Goose and father of eight Robert Down Jr. has spent much of the past year pondering the path that led him to the Waterford Office Park in Midlothian. 

"One minute you're flying free and easy over the Eastern Seaboard, and the next minute you're tied down to an office park in a mid-Atlantic suburb. As a gosling, this isn't exactly the life I imagined for myself," Robert told our reporter. 

Richmond Zoo employee and ornithologist Kathy Feathers says that it's not uncommon for a goose, much like a human, to experience a midlife crisis during its childrearing years. "Around the age of four or five, a goose will often leave its spouse for a younger partner, engage in risky activities, or get an edgy haircut."

"When we landed on Waterford Lake last year, I never imagined we'd be settling down here for the long haul. The longer we stick around, the harder it is to imagine leaving,” said Down. “At least the climate is mild, and you can’t beat the public schools.”


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