Reclusive Resident 'Brandermill Phil' Emerges from Home and Predicts Six More Weeks of Winter

Reclusive resident Phillip Bingewatch, known throughout the community as 'Brandermill Phil,' emerged from his Quail Hill home on Wednesday and predicted six more weeks of winter.

At 7:15am on Wednesday, a crowd of residents gathered outside Brandermill Phil's home on Quail Hill Drive to await his appearance. His mailbox was overflowing, the tires on his car were flat, and a number of HOA violations were noted by a compliance officer in attendance.

At approximately 7:23am, Phil emerged from his front door wearing a bathrobe and slippers. His beard appeared long and unkempt, and his fair skin had obviously not been exposed to the sunlight in quite some time. Phil looked up at the sky, then down at his shadow cast by the early morning light. He was immediately startled, then regained his composure and slowly walked backwards into his home. An audible moan could be heard from the crowd as he closed the door, as Phil's behavior had clearly predicted an extended winter.

Residents claim that Brandermill Phil's predictions are 100% accurate. "I plan my vacation around Phil's prediction," one resident told us. "He's certainly more reliable than Andrew Freiden, though admittedly not as handsome."


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